Facing Fatigue

 Facing Fatigue 

We all definitely have days where being active seems extremely daunting. Dealing with this feeling of fatigue has been especially difficult for me lately, especially with trying to balance the feeling of guilt if I take “too many rest days”. After a busy weekend and working 7 hours today, was one of those days for me. I ended up going to the gym anyway because I had taken the weekend off and I’m visiting home this week, so I probably won’t have as much time as I normally do to dedicate to working out. I really don’t have any tips or advice that worked for me in terms of fatigue other than maybe to try some workouts with a little lower impact such as light weights, walking on the treadmill, or bodyweight training. I just wanted to offer a little encouragement I probably could’ve used when deciding whether to face the fatigue or to just give up entirely today: If you need that additional rest day, there’s nothing wrong with taking it. If you need to do a little less work than usual, there’s nothing wrong with that either. :) 
