A Rest Day in My Life

 A Rest Day in My Life


Rest days have been tough for me since the beginning, whether I’m exercising three days per week or six. Especially now that I’m into a habit of working out daily, taking a rest day makes me feel like I’m breaking it. I’ve heard this can be a challenge for a LOT of people, so here are 2 of my best ways to get through a rest day. 

1. Active recoveries 

Just because I’m giving my body a break from strenuous exercise on rest days doesn’t mean I must be completely sedentary. On rest days, I find it helpful to do things like go for a walk with friends, take low-impact Peloton rides or workout classes, and other things that keep my body moving but allow my muscles to recover in time for my next strenuous workout the next day.  

2. Distractions  

I’m extremely prone to exercise guilt when I miss a workout. There will even be days when I’m on track to work out, but my body is telling me it’s a bad idea. I’ll listen, but it’s not easy on my mental health in terms of the exercise guilt. On this type of recovery days, I find it helpful to distract myself with things like active recoveries, making plans to go out to eat with friends, getting ahead on homework, and other ways to keep my mind occupied.  

Enjoy your rest days! 
