

I can safely say that through my 2022 resolution of finding a healthy balance in my life in college has definitely been a roller coaster, just through the months of January and February. I even started the 75 Hard challenge, which has helped me in particular to make more productive uses of time I used to waste.

I won't claim to be a fitness influencer or nutrition expert because I'm really just a college student looking to share my experiences with my peers who may be in a similar spot. While I know that what works for me may not work for everyone, I hope this blog helped in some degree to show some raw honesty with my own struggles as well as some tips on practices that ultimately changed me for the better. 

My posts on this blog may be over, but our journey is far from over. As I continue to set intentions, resist the urge to fall into fad diets and exercise that promise quick fixes, and take rest days when I need them in pursuit of my goals, I encourage you to and hope that you do whatever it takes for you to reach your goals and achieve your dreams. 

Thanks for everything! :)
