Progress Over Perfection

 Progress Over Perfection 

An extremely rude awakening I’ve had lately is that I’ll never be completely perfect. Perfectionism is a common theme in modern society, and it is something I believe my generation was raised on. Throughout my childhood and up until I went to college, I was ingrained to and focused on proving I could have perfect grades, a perfect social life, a perfect resume, and a perfect self and body image. As amazing as that outcome may have sounded, the process of constantly pursuing perfection is where I believe I lost myself. So, I wanted to share a few ways I have recently learned to celebrate small victories rather than constantly punish myself in the big picture: 

  1. I believe getting out of bed every day is an accomplishment. As minor as it may sound, it’s the first step in the right direction of each day.  

  1. I document anything and everything I’m proud of. Whether it’s an A on an assignment or a PR in a running time, I take pictures to create lasting memories I can reflect on when I’m feeling down. 

  1. I reward myself for accomplishing hard things. Negative self-talk doesn’t aid any sort of progress, so I believe it’s important to acknowledge positive things in small ways, like treating myself to coffee every time I work up the energy to do my laundry. Silly example, I know, but it sure as heck makes me want to do my laundry more often. 

These tips and tricks that work for me are definitely not the same things that work for everyone. Finding what works doesn’t happen overnight, but I can promise that grace and positivity towards yourself outweighs negativity every time. 

