Running 101

 Running 101  

Running is something I’ve always loved to do but have just found harder lately to stay entertained doing on a treadmill. Especially with the start of February and the cold weather, I don’t want to run outside either. I know some people who even hate running in general. So, this is one of the biggest things I’ve found that has made running not only more bearable but something I’ve fallen back in love with, as well.

Get running shoes that are comfortable AND ones you like wearing. 

It’s also useful to note that it’s unwise to wear the same shoes to run as you do on a normal basis because they’ll wear out faster and you’ll have to buy new shoes in less time. I got new running shoes for Christmas, and I absolutely fell in love with them. My old ones were functional but not the cutest things I had ever seen, but I swear that when I got running shoes I liked, I wanted to run more just for the sole purpose of being able to wear them. 


What are you waiting for? Hit the shoe store, then the tread! 
